
مدينة أجمل مكان - واجهة الشارقة المائية، الحمرية ص.ب. ب. 39459، الشارقة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

Corporate social responsibility

Social Responsibilities

Environment Responsibilities

In AJMAL MAKAN we believe that Going beyond environmental compliance can bring business benefits. Many businesses have realized that acting in a socially and environmentally responsible way is more than just a legal duty. It affects the bottom line and the long-term success of the business. So another key part of our CSR is the internally scrutiny of our corporate environmental policies in terms of green schemes, ensuring that we operate with maximum energy efficiency, and have effective ecological conservation and waste management programs in place, to minimize the impact our operations have on the environment.
Please contact our Community Social Responsibility team if you wish to be part of our CSR agenda csr@ajmalmakan.com  
